
Vision Encoding Language

The problem Colour blindness is the decreased ability to distinguish colours, affecting 8% of men and 0.5% of women worldwide. The most common type of colour blindness makes it difficult to tell the difference between red and green, but various others exist (such as blue-yellow). In a lot of contexts colour blindness is easy to work around, since there are other clues to indicate which colour one should be seeing. For example, when someone cannot distinguish the colours of a traffic light, their relative position still provides the information needed. However, in some contexts there is not such an easy fallback method. One of these is the world of card and board games. When playing card games, the colour of a card is very often crucial in determining what card to play. If a player cannot tell the difference between the different colours of the cards, it becomes difficult or impossible to play the game properly. e.g. UNO : Existing solutions Given the large percentage of the world with...